Home » Courses » ​Pranic Energy Healing Level 3

Welcome to Pranic Energy Healing Level 3, the gateway to advanced mastery in the art of energy healing. 

At Pranic Energy Healing, we are committed to providing comprehensive and empowering education on the ancient art of energy healing.

This Course is dedicated to providing accessible and empowering education on the ancient art of energy healing.

PRANIC ENERGY HEALING® Level 3 Course,  is a profound opportunity to reach advanced mastery in energy healing, promote spiritual growth, and contribute positively to the well-being of yourself and those around you. 

If you’re ready to master your knowledge of energy healing and holistic well-being, we invite you to explore our Level 3 course and embark on the next phase of your transformative journey.

Remember that Pranic Energy Healing is a science!

The Power of Pranic Energy Healing

Pranic Energy Healing is an holistic approach to well-being that taps into the body’s innate ability to restore and rejuvenate itself. Central to this practice is the concept of Prana, the vital life force that flows through our bodies, influencing both physical and emotional health. Pranic Healing focuses on optimising prana, promoting healing and inner peace.

Why Choose Pranic Energy Healing Level 3?

Pranic Energy Healing level 3 is the application of Pranic Energy Healing techniques to heal and alleviate emotional and mental imbalances.

The student will learn how negative emotions and traumatic experiences are essentially negative thought forms, or emotional energies,  lodged in the energy body and in the critical energy centers. 

With Pranic Energy Healing you will learn how to quickly and safely remove these blocked negative emotional energies and thought forms.


What You Will Learn

In  PRANIC ENERGY HEALING® Level 3 course, you will explore the following key areas:

  • Advanced Healing Techniques: Explore advanced energy cleansing, scanning, and energising techniques for complex conditions.
  • Psychotherapy in Pranic Energy Healing: Learn how to integrate psychotherapy and energy healing for emotional and psychological well-being. At the end of the course you will be able to apply your acquired knowledge in: 
  • Healing & Self-healing techniques for tension, irritability, grief, anxiety, depression and other psychological imbalances.
  • Removing envy, jealousy, anger and negative influences of other people around you.
  • Extracting and disintegrating negative energies and patterns of such problems as compulsive behaviours, phobias, addictions to smoking, alcohol, drugs, food and sugar, and even depression.
  • Repairing damaged or cracked energy field in the body to prevent intrusion from negative energies.
  • Purging negative programming acquired during childhood that could be holding you back from success.
  • Healing the effects of psychic attacks that can cause anxiety attacks, irritability, etc..
  • Spiritual Principles: Delve into the spiritual dimensions of energy healing, understanding the higher purpose and interconnectedness of life.

Our Pranic Energy Healing Level 3 course offers several key advantages:

  • 1. Advanced Techniques: Level 3 introduces advanced techniques in energy healing, enabling you to address complex mental and emotional conditions with precision.
  • 2. Spiritual Growth: The Level 3 course delves into the spiritual aspects of healing, helping you understand the higher purpose of energy work.
  • 3. In-Depth Chakra Work: Explore in-depth chakra analysis and healing techniques for a more profound healing of illnesses of mental and psychological origin.
  • 4. Community Connection: By enrolling in our courses, you become part of a global community of like-minded individuals passionate about energy healing and personal transformation.


Embarking on the path of Pranic Energy Healing Level 3 is a life-enriching experience. It empowers you to heal, grow, and contribute positively to the well-being of yourself and those around you. 

If you’re ready to begin your journey toward a deeper understanding of energy healing and holistic well-being, we invite you to explore our Level 3 course and continue on your personal transformation’s journey.

All PRANIC ENERGY HEALING courses are “practical” in nature, which means that you learn by actually performing the techniques and exercises in class – on yourself and those around you. 

During class, all the principles will be explained thoroughly and you will practice the techniques exhaustively so you will be confident in your ability to produce positive results when you finish the course. 

Prerequisite: PEH Level 2


USD 310 .00

8 hours workshop

The price includes:

  • Certificate of Partecipation (officially recognized worldwide)
  • Graduated students from earlier courses can join this course: 
  • At nominal cost of R 350 if attending in person.

As you develop, the people around you also develop.

Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui