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Welcome to our transformative course, “Krya Shakti.” This program is designed to empower you with the knowledge and techniques to manifest abundance, prosperity, and success in various aspects of your life.

People on the spiritual path often have the tendency to think that money is not good, and can be the source of various vices. However the more accurate way is to look at money is “as a form of energy” which can be used both for good as well as bad. 

If money is in the hands of righteous people, it can be constructively used for the benefit of humanity. 

Material abundance and prosperity gives you the freedom to pursue your spiritual goals. Prosperity is in fact compatible with spirituality.  

Why Choose Krya Shakti  – Materialisation Using Thought Power Course?

Kriya Shakti is a Sanskrit word which means “using the power of thought to manifest things in the physical plane.” 

It is basically the science of manifestation – or  the Science of Creating Abundance – and  gives the individual the ability to manifest his plans in a more effective way, as material abundance gives you freedom to pursue spiritual goals.

Kriya Shakti teaches you how to properly harness the power of your thoughts, subtle energies and your auric field to create a life of prosperity and success both materially as well as spiritually.

By understanding the universal laws underlying the materialisation of your goals and petitions – or the lack of it – this course covers specific techniques to create abundance and materialise prosperity. 

Explore “Krya Shakti  – Materialisation Using Thought Power Course.

In this Course –  that runs over the course of 2 days  – you will learn

  • Prosperity Consciousness: Develop a prosperity consciousness that attracts wealth and success.
  • Financial Alchemy: Learn techniques to transform your financial situation and create financial abundance.
  • Energy Clearing: Discover how to clear and balance your energy to remove blocks to prosperity.
  • Mindful Manifestation: Explore mindful manifestation techniques that can be applied to various areas of your life.

The Kriya Shakti workshop goes far beyond just visualisation and affirmations. We are teaching time-tested techniques to manifest powerful changes in your life. 

In this workshop you will further learn:

  • To disintegrate self-sabotaging thought forms, prosperity guilt and poverty consciousness located in specific areas of your aura;
  • Practice a special “Concretising Meditation” to quickly and systematically precipitate a thought or idea into physical form;
  • Use the power of your thoughts to achieve your goals;
  • Cleanse your aura and your chakras from negative thoughts and programming about money;
  • Use the Prosperity Meditation to bring prosperity and abundance to your life;
  • Use the proper hand gestures or mudras for prosperity;
  • Understand the science of Tithing and Entitlement and how it is connected to your success;
  • Create powerful Thought Forms using several easy to practice techniques.

Our Krya Shakti  – Materialisation Using Thought Power Course offers several key advantages:

  • 1. Prosperity Manifestation: Learn the art of prosperity manifestation, which can significantly impact your financial and material success.
  • 2. Mind Power Techniques: Explore powerful mind techniques that can help you reprogram your thoughts and beliefs for abundance.
  • 3. Holistic Well-Being: Enhance your overall well-being by addressing financial and material aspects of your life.
  • 4. Community Connection: Join a community of individuals who share your passion for prosperity and holistic living.


The “Krya Shakti” course, a profound opportunity to learn the art of prosperity manifestation, reprogram your mind for abundance, and transform your financial well-being. 

If you’re ready to unleash your power of prosperity and create a life of abundance, we invite you to explore our course and take the first step toward a transformative experience.

All PRANIC ENERGY HEALING courses are “practical” in nature, which means that you learn by actually performing the techniques and exercises in class – on yourself and those around you. 

During class, all the principles will be explained thoroughly and you will practice the techniques exhaustively so you will be confident in your ability to produce positive results when you finish the course. 

After completion of this course, through our accredited Senior instructor  Elia Beduschi – who is an authorised representative of the Institute of Inner Sciences –  a certificate of participation is issued. This Certificate is officially recognised worldwide.

Prerequisite: PEH Level 1


USD 450 .00


R 8500 .00

8 hours workshop

The price includes:

  • Certificate of Partecipation (officially recognized worldwide)
  • Graduated students from earlier courses can join this course: 
  • At nominal cost of R 550 if attending in person.

Kriyashakti is manifesting your Objective through Thought Power, but it also depends on other factors
The condition of your chakras affect your prosperity… When you change the Inner World, you change the physical world.

Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui