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The Path to Arhatship: Exploring Spiritual Enlightenment

The quest for spiritual enlightenment and self-realisation has captivated the hearts and minds of seekers throughout history. Inspired by the teachings of Maha Atma Choa Kok and the wisdom of Pranic Energy Healing, we delve into the path to Arhatship, a state of profound spiritual mastery and liberation.

Arhatship in Spiritual Traditions:

Arhatship, commonly associated with Buddhism, represents the highest state of spiritual realisation. It is a state in which an individual achieves complete liberation from the cycle of birth and death, known as Samsara. Arhats are celebrated for their wisdom, compassion, and freedom from suffering.

The Pranic Energy Healing Approach:

The Pranic Energy Healing system, founded by Maha Atma Choa Kok, offers a unique perspective on the path to Arhatship. At its core, Pranic Energy is an energy-based healing modality that recognises the crucial role of the human energy system in one’s spiritual journey.

What you will Learn on the Path to Arhatship:

What you will learn will be transmitted through direct experience, and during the course, you will easily experience the positive effects of meditative practices. 

Without unnecessary esotericism but with a strong practical sense, you will learn how to purify your energy body and free yourself from blocks and conditioning that prevent you from living in a harmonious and happy way.

Physical Purification:

Each session begins with a brief series of physical exercises derived from Qi Gong. While very simple and light (practically anyone can perform them with great ease), when done mindfully, they deeply cleanse your energy body and allow for strong thought control. You will soon notice that these steps become indispensable for successful meditation practice.

Advanced Pranayama:

Advanced breath-work for inner purification (cleansing meridians and energy centers) that induces a profound state of calm and prepares for the correct practice of meditation.

Purification and Removal of Psychic and Energetic Blocks:

Meditative practices capable of removing deep traumas and unwanted blocks that can often hinder a person from realising their purpose. Proper inner purification facilitates access to advanced meditative techniques.

Bhakti Yoga (Planetary Meditation for Peace):

This meditation develops the Spiritual Heart and the Heart of Man, called “Twin Hearts.” When practicing this meditation, the entire energy structure – aura, chakras, and the practitioner’s entire body – is deeply purified by spiritual energy that differs from ordinary prana for its highly purifying and energising quality. Once purified, you will feel calm, relaxed, and at peace with yourself, experiencing inner tranquility.

Prolonged practice leads to expanded consciousness and enlightenment. (Bhakti Yoga)

Raja Yoga (Soul Meditation):

This meditation will open and align you to a deeper connection with your higher self, known as ATMA in Sanskrit. This practice offers the practitioner greater decision-making capabilities, essential in everyday life.

Dhyan Yoga:

It will allow you to develop extended sensitivity. Regular practice of this meditation leads to a state of deep inner calm, inner peace, and inner bliss. You become aware of your interconnected nature, in unity with all and everything.

Kundalini Yoga:

In this meditation, you will learn to awaken the Kundalini energy through the combined circulation of divine energy with Kundalini energy. This, along with the cleaning of the aura and chakras, increases your physical body’s capacity to handle a greater amount of subtle energy. This healing effect allows the brain and nervous system to register “higher” levels of consciousness, helping you recall inner experiences.

Character Building:

In the Arhat’s Path, there is a strong focus on character building, based on right thoughts, right speech, and right actions. Other aspects of character building are emphasised, such as loving-kindness and non-harming, generosity and non-stealing, honesty and non-falseness (accurate perception, correct expression, objectivity), effort in constancy, moderation and non-excess. Through the practice of these positive character aspects, your character qualities will consciously strengthen.

Key Elements of the Path to Arhatship:

  • 1. Understanding the Energy Body: Pranic Healing emphasises a deep understanding of the energy body, including energy centers (chakras) and channels. This knowledge enables the purification and balancing of vital energy, expediting spiritual growth.
  • 2. Meditation: Central to the path to Arhatship is daily meditation, which calms the mind, enhances self-awareness, and fosters a profound connection with one’s inner divinity.
  • 3. Service and Compassion: Arhats are known for their selfless service and boundless compassion. Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui encouraged his students to cultivate love and compassion and engage in acts of service to alleviate the suffering of others.
  • 4. Spiritual Guidance: Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui recognised the importance of a qualified spiritual guide and systematic instruction on this journey.

Why Pursue This Path?

The Path to Arhatship offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Spiritual Enlightenment: Achieving Arhatship leads to profound spiritual illumination and liberation from suffering.
  • Inner Peace: This path promotes inner peace, reducing stress, anxiety, and mental turbulence.
  • Improved Relationships: Compassion and service enhance relationships and empathy.
  • Mental and Emotional Well-being: Meditation and energy purification contribute to mental and emotional stability.
  • Realising Your Potential: The journey towards Arhatship helps you unlock your spiritual and personal potential.

Ongoing Support:

At the end of the course, after receiving all the course  materials, you can always count on the support of your instructor, and if you have any doubts or questions, you will have the opportunity to review what you have learned.

The Path to Arhatship is a journey of deep spiritual growth and self-realisation. With commitment and the guidance of a qualified mentor, it can lead to authentic spiritual enlightenment and a life enriched with inner peace, compassion, and the realisation of your fullest potential.

The Path to Arhatship Course, that takes place over 2 full days,  is designed for people who are serious about their spiritual development.

Prerequisite: PEH Level 1 or TFSE


USD 370 .00


R 6999 .00

16 hours workshop

The price includes:

  • Audio Meditation
  • Certificate of Partecipation (officially recognized worldwide)
  • Graduated students from earlier courses can join this course: 
  • At nominal cost of R 350 if attending in person.

There are several spiritual or yogic systems of activating the chakras and awakening the kundalini. Arhatic Meditation is one of the systems that systematically, safely and rapidly activates the chakras and awakens the kundalini.

Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui