Home » Courses » The Technology of Feeling the Subtle Energy

Welcome to Technology of Feeling Subtle Energy Course. For Centuries Natural Healers and others have used their hands to “Feel” or “Scan” various kinds of Energies. 

This course covers the Ancient Art of “Feeling Energies” or “Scanning” in great precision and detail so that you can become confident in using your senses to grasp the multiple kinds of information available to you in the energy Field.

This course is intended for both lay people and Energy Healers alike, as It aims to fine tune their ability of easily feeling, distinguishing and properly evaluating Subtle Energies.

At Pranic Energy Healing, we are committed to providing comprehensive and empowering education on the ancient art of energy healing.

This Course is dedicated to providing accessible and empowering education on the ancient art of energy healing.

Technology of Feeling Subtle Energy Course in one day, you will learn how to feel the energy, to distinguish degrees of or qualities of energies, and recognise its many properties.

Choosing the “Technology of Feeling Subtle Energy” course can be a significant step toward expanding your knowledge and skills in energy work and holistic health.

Remember that Pranic Energy Healing is a science!

The Power of Pranic Energy Healing

Pranic Energy Healing is an holistic approach to well-being that taps into the body’s innate ability to restore and rejuvenate itself. Central to this practice is the concept of Prana, the vital life force that flows through our bodies, influencing both physical and emotional health. Pranic Healing focuses on optimising prana, promoting healing and inner peace.

Why Choose Technology of Feeling Subtle Energy Course?

Technology of Feeling Subtle Energy  is an important aspect of Pranic Energy Healing, as it is your first dive into the “unseen” world that surround us.

This Course will introduce you to the incredible reality that is the energy field. 


“Technology of Feeling Subtle Energy” course can be a valuable decision for several reasons:

  •  After the completion of this Course you will be able to:
  • perceive subtle energy;
  • distinguish the quality of energy in a any environment; 
  • feel the energy of animal, plants and objects;
  • develop your own energy;
  • make more accurate decisions in all matters as you now know how to test energy.
  • The course may provide insights into the scientific basis of subtle energy, bridging the gap between traditional wisdom and modern scientific understanding. This can be appealing if you’re interested in the intersection of science and spirituality.
  • Learning how to work with subtle energy can help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve overall mental and emotional well-being. These benefits can extend to various aspects of your life.
  • Developing an awareness of subtle energy can enhance your intuitive abilities and decision-making skills. You’ll learn to trust your intuition and make choices that align with your inner guidance.
  • The knowledge and techniques acquired in the course can empower you to practice self-healing. You can address physical and emotional issues, improve your energy balance, and maintain better health.
  • This course can encourage a holistic lifestyle, emphasising the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. It can inspire you to make healthier choices in your daily life.
  • You’ll learn how to manage your own energy and create a positive energy environment. This skill can be applied to your home, workplace, and personal relationships.
  • If you’re already engaged in other wellness practices such as yoga, meditation, or alternative medicine, this course can complement and enhance your existing routines.
  • By developing the skills to work with subtle energy, you’ll feel more empowered to take control of your own health and well-being, which can lead to a greater sense of autonomy and self-mastery.
  • By enrolling in our courses, you become part of a global community of like-minded individuals passionate about energy healing and personal transformation.

Our Technology of Feeling Subtle Energy course offers several key advantages:

  • 1. Understanding Subtle Energy: This course provides you with a comprehensive understanding of subtle energy, which is a fundamental concept in various holistic and energy healing practices. You’ll learn how to perceive, interact with, and work with subtle energies, which can enhance your personal well-being and your ability to help others.
  • 2. Practical Techniques: The course includes practical exercises and techniques that allow you to develop your abilities to perceive and manipulate subtle energy. You’ll gain hands-on experience that can be applied in real-life situations.
  • 3. Personal Growth: Learning about subtle energy can also be a journey of personal growth. You may discover new insights about yourself and your connection to the world around you, which can lead to increased self-awareness and well-being.
  • 4. Career Opportunities: If you’re considering a career in holistic healing or energy work, this course can be a foundational step. You’ll gain the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue various professions, such as pranic energy healing practitioner, Reiki master, or holistic therapist.


Technology of Feeling Subtle Energy is a prodigious skill in itself and being able to exploit this skill in everyday’s life is equally wondrous!  

At the end of this Course, you will be proficient  in feeling  and distinguish the energy of the people around you and your own, the energy in food, drinks, and any other possible thing, be it animated or not … the list could be endless!

If you’re ready to your journey into energy healing knowledge and embrace holistic well-being, we invite you to explore our Technology of Feeling Subtle Energy course and embark on the most exciting journey of your life.

All PRANIC ENERGY HEALING courses are “practical” in nature, which means that you learn by actually performing the techniques and exercises in class – on yourself and those around you. 

During class, all the principles will be explained thoroughly and you will practice the techniques exhaustively so you will be confident in your ability to produce positive results when you finish the course. 


USD 90 .00

4 hours workshop

The price includes:

  • Certificate of Partecipation (officially recognized worldwide)
  • Graduated students from earlier courses can join this course: 
  • At nominal cost of R 350 if attending in person.

Your future is in your hands.

Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui