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Join us every month in blessing Mother Earth with loving-kindness, peace, joy and goodwill!

Every month our community comes together, live online, to meditate during the full moon.

Meditation is one of the most beneficial acts during the full moon and one of the potent methods of service to humanity and to mother earth. During meditation basically the mind of the meditator becomes a channel to receive the energies of divine light, love and power and later distribute it to a family, community and further to the whole humanity. The moment of full moon every month therefore, offers greatest opportunities for meditation, not only to cultivate personal benefits but also to take part in the manifestation of the Divine Plan on earth.

Because of the moon’s astrological characteristics and effects on mind and emotions, often during the full moon period people tend to get more sensitive and often witness more emotional and relationship problems compared to normal times of the year. That is one of the reasons why insanity is also called lunacy!

One of the means to neutralise such influences during the full moon is therefore practicing meditation and purification.

Meditation in general helps to activate the Crown chakra or Sahasrara chakra and bring down greater amounts of divine energy into the system, which even get stronger in the time of the full moons. Divine energy basically has consciousness of its own and therefore gradually flushes out negative thoughts, emotions and energies from the practitioner’s aura and the chakras. The effect is not only improved physical and emotional health, but also clarity of mind, better self-esteem and greater peace and happiness.

No experience is required to participate in these meditations.
Every meditation session will include teachings on different topics.
Dates will be published from time to time by link on google meet.
We will provide texts of the discussed topics the day after the online session.
All that is left to do now is to join our community.

Join in our Meditation Telegram Channel

The purpose of this channel is to raise people’s awareness through practice of meditation.
Participating in the meditations is free, we only ask for a small donation to support the project, as part of the proceeds will be donated to charity.


As out work is in service of humanity and the spiritual evolution of the human race we are are constantly reminded of the importance of community – and our need to contribute where and when we can. 

The Pranic Energy Healing South Africa Team has decided to donate part of their online proceeds to the THE SPIRITUAL COUNCIL IN AFRICA organisation – –  whose works is to provide spiritual guidance and healing to poor communities in Africa with focus in uplifting the youth in such communities. 

Your support at this time means the world to us – as it will help us to continue to do what we love – while ensuring the livelihood of the people who are less fortunate.

Meditation on Twin Hearts is one of the most powerful meditation tools for spiritual development. It is a true gift from the Great Ones.

Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui